
The parts of his pricey hamlet south of the Montauk Highway are a mix of farm fields and high-end real estate. North of the highway, residential, commercial and industrial uses prevail, and there’s also the East Hampton Airport.

What to Expect

A quiet farming community that’s now a destination for private planes
Wainscott is a small hamlet outside of East Hampton bordering Georgica Pond, a favorite for kayakers. Despite residential development, there are still parcels of land being farmed. Small businesses and a few national chains dot Montauk Highway on its short run through town, and to the north is the East Hampton Airport, a regional facility used by summering residents to come and go on private planes and helicopters.

From old farmhouses to Georgica Association estates
Wainscott is home to some of the priciest real estate in the Hamptons, with many estates looking out onto farm fields. Some historic farmhouses remain standing along Wainscott Main Street. The Georgica Association, an exclusive gated community, is known for its cedar-shingled estates overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and Georgica Pond. Among the most famous is “Kilkare,” owned by the late Michael Kennedy, a criminal trial lawyer famous for representing the Black Panthers and Ivana Trump in her divorce from Donald J. Trump.

Median Sale N/A See Sales
Median Rent N/A See Rentals
Known For
Farm stands
Pristine beaches
Transportation hub
Private clubs

New Listings

Points of Interest

Nearby Transportation

Train: LIRR – Bridgehampton
Bus: Hampton Jitney – Wainscott
Bus: Hampton Luxury Liner – Wainscott

Beaches in Wainscott

Town Line Beach
Georgica Beach
Sagg Main Beach

Things to Do


Buckley's Flower Shop

Founded more than 50 years ago, Buckley’s is a go-to florist for the South Fork, selling plants grown at its own wholesale nursery. Though gorgeous all year round, this flower shop is a special favorite for holiday decorations.


Main Beach Surf

Rent or buy wetsuits, paddle boards, accessories and more at this local favorite. It also offers kayak lessons for beginners in nearby Georgica Pond.


The Seafood Shop

At its heart, this place is a seafood stand that has basically any raw fish you can imagine. But feel free to cut out the middle chef (you) and order up any of the no-frills prepared dishes — they’re roundly excellent.